On-Set Donor Opportunities
This donation opportunity is for individuals wanting to also be featured in our show. We have several opportunities for donors to make a cameo, be in the background or be cast as a small role. This type of opportunity can be seen as a win-win situation, as it allows you to not only contribute the show but also be part of the cast as well.
On-Set donors also receive behind-the-scenes and other exclusive perks not offered to everyone.
Performer Perk
A $5,000 Performer Perk donation grants an opportunity for someone to be cast in one of these guest roles:​
Singer/Speech - seeking a performer to sing a Christmas-related carol or give a small speech during a wedding episode.​
Officiant - seeking a performer to play the role of the officiant during a wedding episode.​
Girlfriend - seeking an actress to appear as a girlfriend to a main character in one episode.​​
Fiancé - seeking a mature male to play a fiancé to a main character in a fun FaceTime video featured during an episode.
Child - seeking a young child to be featured in a scene with the lead actor David Lansbury.
*Note: Performer is responsible for getting to set on their own
Featured Background On Set
A $1,500 Featured Background on Set donation you receive:
An invitation for you and one other person to perform as guests during the wedding episode.
Featured on a “Christmas Card” during one of the episodes. ​
*Note: BG Performer is responsible for getting to set on their own
NOTE: You’ll receive the set prop after filming is wrapped!
"Featured Family" In Series
With a $500 Featured Family in the Series donation, you receive:
You and your family (or friends) can be featured as family friends in multiple spots during the show (i.e. Christmas Card, ornament, names on a gift, etc.)
NOTE: You’ll receive the set prop after filming is wrapped!